We've moved! Our new address is 5017 Washington Place, Suite 202, St. Louis, MO 63108

Profile Photo of Sarah


Sarah was bound by addiction for a long time - years trapped in a revolving door with jail and prison. During her last incarceration, Sarah decided she wanted something better for herself.

Once she was released, she applied to be in Baker House through Keyway.

Sarah was given everything she needed to succeed: a furnished apartment, financial assistance, mentoring and counseling, and case management. Without Baker House, she would have been homeless once again, stuck in the same life she was before.

Sarah is now 10 months sober and she has reconnected with her family after many years apart. She even was able to spend time with her son for the first time in 2 years. Sarah has her life on track for success, she has a job, her driver's licence, and a place to call home.

When asked about the impact of Keyway on her life, she said,

"If I had not moved into Baker House, I would not have survived. Now I am in a really good place."