We've moved! Our new address is 5017 Washington Place, Suite 202, St. Louis, MO 63108

Housing Stability

Keyway Center for Diversion and Reentry believes that access to safe, secure, and affordable housing is key to a successful transition from jail or prison. We're committed to providing a violence-free and drug-free environment where participants can recover and thrive.

Keyway offers supervised, apartment-style transitional housing for up to 44 individuals at Baker House and Schirmer House, along with permanent supportive housing for up to 21 participants at Sharon House. Keyway also works with participants living independently throughout our community.

A significant hurdle to the successful reentry of justice-involved women is the limited access to safe and affordable housing. Keyway addresses this critical need by providing transitional housing for up to 44 participants. 

Operating two apartment-style facilities, Baker House for 12 individuals and Schirmer House for 32, both locations ensure that participants receive comprehensive case management services and access to the complete spectrum of wraparound services offered by Keyway. 

Moreover, those in transitional housing benefit from essential support such as food stipends, transportation assistance, clothing, and other basic necessities until they can independently manage these expenses. Baker House and Schirmer House are specifically designed for justice-involved women and trans individuals. To qualify, individuals must be

  • 18 or older
  • Justice involved, current or within past 6 months (on probation or parole, released from jail or prison, pending warrants or criminal court cases)
  • Committed to participating in Keyway programming

Sharon House, named in honor of our founder Sister Sharon Schmitz, provides a stable, long-term housing option for Keyway participants. Within Sharon House, participants forge a supportive community, aiding each other in their recovery journeys. They have access to vital services such as case management, vocational support, behavioral health resources, and more. Functioning as a secure and substance-free co-living environment, Sharon House is specifically designed for justice-involved women and trans individuals. To qualify, individuals must be

Sharon House is a safe and sober co-living home for justice-involved women. In order to qualify for residency, clients must be:

  • Age 18 or older
  • Justice-involved, current or lifetime (on probation or parole, released from jail or prison, pending warrants or criminal court cases)
  • Committed to maintaining a substance-free lifestyle
  • Willing to attend weekly house meetings
  • Able to cover the monthly program fee of $500

We extend heartfelt gratitude to the Mental Health Board, Religious Community Impact Fund (RCIF), and Dominican Sisters for their invaluable contributions to the realization of Sharon House.

Keyway’s Housing Navigator works with participants to secure safe, stable housing once they are ready to leave Keyway’s transitional housing. The Housing Navigator maintains a network of landlords and property managers throughout the St. Louis region who recognize that a criminal conviction should not prevent access to safe housing.

Participants receive one-on-one and group coaching focused on developing skills and knowledge that support housing stability. Topics such as understanding tenant rights, understanding leases, basic home maintenance, and being a good neighbor ensure that program participants have the resources necessary to maintain stable housing for themselves and their children.