Women involved in the criminal justice system may encounter obstacles on their journeys to self-sufficiency. Keyway Center for Diversion and Reentry is here to help. We have supportive housing available, including in our transitional living facilities, recovery home, and independent scattered-site apartments throughout the community. While in our program, we'll provide you with the tools and resources to help you reach your goals, including reaching financial, emotional, and housing stability.
To complete the application online, click the "Online Program Application" button above or scan the QR Code. Once you're done, hit "submit," and you're all finished! Staff will review your application and contact you.
If you prefer to complete the application through Microsoft Word or by printing the form, click the "Print/Microsoft Word Application" button above. You may also call and request that an application be mailed to you, or you can pick up an application in person at the Main Office. Completed applications can be emailed to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or mailed to 5017 Washington Pl., Suite 202, St. Louis, MO, 63108. If you have any questions about the application, you can email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or call 314-771-5207. Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Keyway participants are resilient, resourceful, dedicated, motivated, and, perhaps most importantly, they support one another. The majority of our participants are recovering from substance use disorders and past traumas. Many of our participants have experienced hardship, and when they enter the program they are even more determined to succeed
Participants are motivated to create a more stable life for themselves and their family. In the end, the participants themselves are why Keyway is successful and will continue to be so. Staff are dedicated to helping participants achieve their goals in a non-judgmental environment.