We've moved! Our new address is 5017 Washington Place, Suite 202, St. Louis, MO 63108

Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy for Clients

​The Center for Women in Transition will not discriminate against any client or program applicant on the basis of race, color, religion, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, gender identity*, gender expression, sexual orientation (real or as may be perceived by others), or any other characteristic protected by applicable United States federal or state law.

As a participant in a Center for Women in Transition program, you have rights including, but not limited to, the following:

  • To be treated fairly, with dignity and respect.
  • To be free from discrimination based on race, religion, marital status, national origin, disability, veteran status, gender identity*, gender expression, sexual orientation, or age and to be free from verbal, physical, and sexual abuse or harassment.
  • If living in a Center-run facility, to safe and sanitary housing.
  • To expect that their personal, financial, social and medical information will be kept confidential.
  • To file grievances without fear of retaliation, and for grievances to be promptly addressed.
  • To participate in the development of their plan of care and personal goals.
  • To make decisions free of physical restraint or coercion.

We believe success is built upon community. It is important that our community provides a physically and emotionally safe and caring environment. Clients and staff are expected to be respectful of each other and to maintain a sense of shared community, Verbal and physical abuse are not acceptable.

Discrimination and Harassment

​Discrimination, harassment or expressions of prejudice against any client or group of clients is harmful and can cause negative consequences for community living. Use of derogatory terms or expressions of belief or behaviors that are racist, sexist, or prejudiced against any client or group of people are not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Such conduct by a client will result in sanctions, up to and including dismissal from the program. If you ever feel that a staff member has discriminated against you or harassed you, please bring this to the attention of a staff member immediately.

Sexual Misconduct

CWIT has zero tolerance toward all forms of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and staff sexual misconduct. Client-on-client and staff-on-client sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and/or sexual relationships of any type will not be tolerated. Clients should be free from fear of sexual assault or harassment from other clients, staff, and any other person on the premises. There is no such thing as a consensual sexual relationship between a client and a CWIT staff member.

In addition, CWIT must be an environment free from sexually inappropriate communications, regardless of whether such comments are intended to harass. Clients may not engage in sexual comments, jokes or other inappropriate conversations with staff or other clients. Staff is, likewise, not permitted to engage in such conversations with clients.

If a report of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or staff sexual misconduct related to a client is made, it will be investigated thoroughly and with respect to the client’s safety, dignity, and privacy, without fear of retaliation. Inappropriate conduct by staff or other clients should be reported to a staff member immediately.


*The Center for Women in Transition’s mission is to provide services to women as well as Trans* people of any gender identity.