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Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity Employment, and Anti-Harassment Policy for Employees

​The Center for Women in Transition is an equal opportunity employer. As such, and in accordance with applicable law, the Center for Women in Transition will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of any Protected Class. For purposes of this Nondiscrimination Policy, any of the following is considered to be a “Protected Class”: race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation (real or as may be perceived by others), or any other characteristic protected by applicable United States federal or state law.

The Center's policy against discrimination also prohibits harassment of applicants for employment or employees. As used in this policy, harassment includes, but is not limited to, conduct, gestures, comments, slurs, jokes, pictures, cartoons and other material which is based on a trait that places a person in a Protected Class (such as race, sex, age, religion, national origin, disability, etc.) and which would be unwelcome and offensive to a reasonable person. This policy covers harassment on the basis of any trait that places a person in a Protected Class, including sexual harassment.

While it is not easy to define sexual harassment precisely, the term includes unwelcome sexual advances, propositions, requests for sexual favors, physical touching, comments about an individual's body or sex life, verbal abuse of a sexual nature, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

  • submission to the conduct is directly or indirectly made a condition of employment, continued employment;
  • submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions; or
  • the harassment has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee’s performance, or creating a work environment that is intimidating, hostile or offensive.

Each employee must exercise their own good judgment to avoid engaging in conduct that may be perceived by others as sexual harassment or other harassment.

The Center recognizes that employees may socialize or interact outside of work. Such interactions can impact what employees think of each other and how they interact at work. As a result, all employees should be aware of this policy in any interaction with co-workers, whether inside or outside of the workplace or during or after work hours.

The following list illustrates some but not all of the conduct that is prohibited:

  • the use of language that degrades or demeans others, such as racial slurs or epithets;
  • the use of sexually explicit comments, questions or e-mail;
  • a supervisor promising or implying a raise or promotion if an employee dates the supervisor or provides any sexual favor to the supervisor;
  • a supervisor threatening or implying a demotion or pay cut if an employee turns down the supervisor's request for any sexual favor or date;
  • an employee making unwelcome comments about the anatomy of another, making sexual gestures or leering at another;
  • the use of degrading or insulting comments or jokes, or displaying sexually suggestive materials or derogatory cartoons or pictures about another's race, religion, national origin, disability, age or sex;
  • the use of jokes or comments about a person’s body or sexual experience;
  • an employee kissing, hugging, massaging or otherwise touching another in an unwelcome manner, or interfering with another's motion by blocking or standing in an uncomfortably close proximity to the other person;
  • an employee repeatedly asking another for a date after being turned down in a manner that does not invite a future invitation.

The Center does not condone discrimination or harassment and does not confer on any supervisor, manager or third party authority to engage in discrimination or harassment. Such conduct is never done with the Center's authority and is outside the authority delegated to anyone.

Any employee who believes that (s)he is being or has been subjected to conduct prohibited by the Nondiscrimination Policy may confront the person responsible for the conduct and ask that person to stop the conduct. Any such employee, and any employee aware of any conduct prohibited by this policy, is expected immediately to report the prohibited conduct to any one or more of the following:

  • The Executive Director
  • The President of the Board of Directors

The Center would rather know of a problem and have a chance to address it than to have an employee not come forward because of concern that the complaint is untimely or uncertainty that the conduct violates this policy.

All complaints under this policy will be promptly investigated in as discreet and confidential a manner as is reasonably possible. All employees are expected to fully cooperate in any investigation. The Center recognizes that, in most circumstances, it will be important to protect the confidentiality of and/or information about the complainant, the accused, and/or witness(es). In each investigation, the need for confidentiality in the investigation will be determined by the Center. The Executive Director or President of the Board of Directors will take into consideration whether confidentiality is needed to:

  • protect the confidentiality of and/or information about an individual (such as the complainant, the accused, another employee);
  • protect evidence (e-mails, documents, or other things) that might be destroyed or modified;
  • protect a witness (such as another employee) from being pressured to change or fabricate a statement; and/or
  • avoid an attempt to cover up improper conduct.

The Center will instruct all persons involved in an investigation concerning the degree of confidentially determined necessary (as outlined above) for the investigation. If, after investigation, the Center finds that a violation of the Nondiscrimination Policy has occurred, it will promptly implement appropriate remedial action. Such action may include a written warning, additional training, reassignment, probation, suspension or termination of any employee who violated this policy.

After the investigation is completed, the Center will report back to the employee who made the complaint and, as appropriate, advise the employee of the results of the investigation and the action taken, if any.

The Center will not retaliate against any employee for cooperating in any investigation, or for making a complaint under this policy or bringing a situation to the Center's attention in good faith. The Center also will not tolerate retaliatory conduct by any employee. Any employee who believes (s)he has been retaliated against is urged to make a report or complaint under this policy.

Reasonable Accommodation for Employees The Center will comply with applicable laws requiring reasonable accommodation of a qualified individual based on the individual’s disability or religion. Anyone needing accommodation should promptly advise the Executive Director of such need.

Recruitment for Employment The Center for Women in Transition seeks to recruit and employ the most qualified candidates for all positions. The Executive Director, in coordination with the supervisor of an open position, shall post the opening both within and outside the organization. The Board of Directors is responsible for recruitment and hiring of the Executive Director.